My Story My SUPERPOWER Storytelling Show was a huge success!
Thanks to everyone who attended our My Story My Superpower Storytelling Show on May 29th. What an inspiring event! It was an evening of laughter, tears and breaking down stereotypes. We are so grateful for our amazing storytellers who shared their mental health journey.
Sharing stories about mental health is hard, and at times, uncomfortable. Molly even asked the crowd if her story made them uncomfortable. She shared that there has never been any positive change without people feeling a little uncomfortable.
Dave’s story of how his family has managed his young daughter’s anxiety was moving. Each day may bring its own challenges but we must reflect that we all have things to be thankful for. He shared a quote, taken from the Berlin Wall that is now tattooed on his arm and provides him strength day to day.
“Right now, someone is dreaming of living your life.”
Mental health affects us all. Sharing stories is the best way we know to give hope.
With your support we are able to shine a light on mental health and end the stigma, one story at a time.
Please consider making a gift today to support ASHA International. Your contribution will allow us to bring our message of hope and well being to more people at school, in the workplace and in our community. Please click here to Give the Gift of Hope today!
Here is feedback from people who attended the event:
“The program last night was amazing. My daughter kept turning to me saying “that’s me!”. She just started seeing an anxiety therapist and with our family therapy she is really finding her voice. It’s so great to watch her open up around her challenges and last night added so beautifully to these efforts. Thanks for extending the invite!”
“I just wanted to say congratulations on a successful event last Wednesday night! What a great turn out – and wonderful stories, of course. I brought my daughter Annie with me, a recent nursing school grad, and she really was moved by so many of the stories as well.”
“Dave, I want to say thank you for sharing your incredible story. I was moved by your presentation and loved how you were able to discuss mental health in a broader way, to include the entire family. We are really lucky to have you. I know what you are doing can help change the stigma around mental health in the workplace. I’ve heard from many people in similar, high-stress jobs (including those at Nike), who talk about the grind and the pressure and the impact it can have outside of work. Without people’s bravery in talking about it, nothing will change. So again, thank you from the bottom of my heart. There are a TON of businesses who could greatly benefit from hearing your story.”
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