asha international mental health

We Give Hope

Manovikas Prakashan publishes Marathi translation of Shadows in the Sun

Manovikas Prakashan publishes Marathi translation of Shadows in the Sun

My deepest gratitude to Manovikas Prakashan and Dr. Anand Nadkarni at the Institute of Psychological Health for translated my memoir, Shadows in the Sun: Healing from Depression and Finding the Light Within into Marathi. I sincerely pray that we can reach Marathi readers across India with a message of hope and healing. Thanks also to the Institute of Psychological Health, Dr. Anand Nadkarni and Dr. Anuradha Sovani for facilitating a memorable book launch and discussion in Thane, India, on December 19th. Most of all, thanks to the many people who attended the event and engaged in a lively discussion about mental health and wellness. The post Manovikas Prakashan publishes Marathi translation of Shadows in the Sun appeared first on Shadows in the Sun by Gayathri...

The Healing Power of Creativity

Creativity offers avenues to explore our inner child and provides pathways to help us heal and become whole. Years ago, I re-discovered the healing power of creativity during my hospitalization for severe depression. Making bracelets and necklaces for my three-year-old daughter who visited me each day with her father, taught me that even in my state of brokenness, I could create gifts that brought joy to another soul. I still recall my daughter’s delight each time I placed one of my creations in her little palms, and her hugs that melted my heart and despair away.   In this newsletter, I am thrilled to share articles on the healing power of creativity, and invite you to enhance your well-being through creative pursuits.   The Healing Power of Creativity by Lynn Zavaro   Channeling Depression Into a Powerful Tool for Creativity by Jennifer Haupt     Wishing you wellness,      Gayathri Ramprasad, MBA, CPS  Founder & President, ASHA...

The Healing Power of Knowledge

There is no health without mental health. Yet, like millions of people around the world, my family and I were ignorant about mental health issues.   I was born and raised in Bangalore, India, amidst ancient traditions, and a large, loving extended family. My happy childhood, however, gave way to a traumatic adolescence. By the time I was 18, I was debilitated by generalized anxiety disorder and panic attacks. At 23, as a young mother in America, I struggled to free myself from the death-hold of depression. For years, I lived in a frozen state of fear, hiding behind a veil of shame and secrecy – fear about losing my mind, fear of losing control in public, fear of being called crazy, fear of dishonoring my family,and destroying their future. But, it wasn’t until I became severely suicidal and tried to kill myself that my family and I finally began to educate ourselves about mental health issues and seek help. Fortunately, with self-determination, adequate treatment, and the undying love and support of family and friends, I have recovered and am living a healthy, fulfilling life.   Looking back, ignorance about mental health issues pushed me to the brink of suicide, and sentenced my family and I to live in fear, shame and secrecy. Learning that depression is a highly debilitating illness that can be effectively treated, set us free to seek life-saving treatment and support.  Ignorance imprisons. Knowledge sets us free. As we celebrate World Mental Health Day today, I encourage you to educate yourself about the signs and symptoms of depression, its diagnosis and treatment. And, please share your...

The Healing Power of Love

Love has the power to heal and make us whole. This Mother’s Day, I want to thank my mother, Shakuntala, and all the mother’s in the world for their love and support.Thank you for being our primary caregivers, cheerleaders and champions. Your love sustains us, and our world. Happy Mother’s Day!  Wishing you wellness,...
The Healing Power of Breath

The Healing Power of Breath

For the last 23 years, I have practiced pranayama every day and it has profoundly transformed my life. Despite recurrent bouts of depression, anxiety and panic attacks over the years, the consistent practice of pranayama has helped me thrive in life. I start each morning with 10 minutes of  pranayama, an ancient form of deep breathing technique that originated in India, my country of birth. Pranayama is derived from two Sanskrit words – Prana (life force) and Ayama (control). Therefore, in its broadest description, prananyama would mean the control of the flow of life force. The yogis believe if you can control your breath, you can control your life. I have certainly found it to be true. While there are many forms of pranayama that are highly effective, I practice nadi sodhana pranayama – a form of alternate nostril breathing which induces calmness and tranquility. Among many other benefits, consistent practice of pranayama provides deep relaxation to the body and mind, strengthens the nervous system and respiratory system, improves concentration, and relieves stress, depression and hypertension. To learn how to perform nadi shodhana pranayama and learn about its many benefits, please click here… To watch a video of how to perform nadi sodhana pranayama and learn its many benefits, please click here…  To explore other forms of pranayama, please click here… I sincerely hope you give pranayama a try, and let me know how it works for you. Thanks! Wishing you...
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