asha international mental health

We Give Hope

The Healing Power of Knowledge

There is no health without mental health. Yet, like millions of people around the world, my family and I were ignorant about mental health issues.   I was born and raised in Bangalore, India, amidst ancient traditions, and a large, loving extended family. My happy childhood, however, gave way to a traumatic adolescence. By the time I was 18, I...

The Healing Power of Love

Love has the power to heal and make us whole. This Mother’s Day, I want to thank my mother, Shakuntala, and all the mother’s in the world for their love and support.Thank you for being our primary caregivers, cheerleaders and champions. Your love sustains us, and our world. Happy Mother’s Day!  Wishing you wellness,...

The Healing Power of Breath

For the last 23 years, I have practiced pranayama every day and it has profoundly transformed my life. Despite recurrent bouts of depression, anxiety and panic attacks over the years, the consistent practice of pranayama has helped me thrive in life. I start each morning with 10 minutes of  pranayama, an ancient form of deep breathing technique...

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