asha international mental health

We Give Hope

The Healing Power of Hope

The Healing Power of Hope

In May 1989, a stranger named Aida came to visit me in the hospital and forever changed my life. She was my friend Karen’s mother’s friend who was visiting my hometown Portland from Los Angeles. Having heard about my struggles with depression and the recent hospitalization, she had insisted on visiting me. Although I was ashamed to meet her in a psychiatric ward, her very presence was healing. Aida was an Armenian woman in her fifties, an elegant blend of Jackie Kennedy and Mother Teresa. In the thirty-minutes she spent with me, Aida shared the story of her struggles with depression and her eventual recovery. Having never met a person who had struggled and recovered from depression, I remember staring at Aida in utter disbelief. Over the years, when medications, therapy, electric shock treatments, and the love and prayers of my family had failed to heal me, I had given up hope of ever recovering. “Gayathri, I promise you will get better” Aida had said, “It won’t be easy. But, one day, one step at a time, you will recover and rebuild your life.” “Believe me, you have the strength within.”  Although my family and physicians had insisted I would get better, I had never believed them. But, I trusted Aida. Because, unlike others, Aida had journeyed through the dark abyss of depression, and emerged into the light. Although Aida’s visit was short, the gift of hope she gave me that day transformed my life and continues to transform the lives of those we serve through ASHA International. It is a gift that keeps on giving. There is a...
The Healing Power of Meditation

The Healing Power of Meditation

Meditation, once believed to be a practice relegated to mystics, has increasingly become mainstreamed over the last couple of decades.  During one of my hospitalizations in America for severe depression in 1989, a caring physician recommended I try Transcendental Meditation (TM) to manage my moods and help me heal. Fortunately, I found a teacher in my community to teach me the Transcendental Meditation technique which is based on the ancient Vedic tradition of enlightenment in India.  I still remember the first day when my teacher, Pat, taught me the technique. We were sitting cross-legged with our eyes closed on the Persian carpet in the living room of her apartment in Beaverton. But, while Pat sat still, Buddha-like, her breath steady, body relaxed and face serene with peace, my breath was erratic and my mind wandered to the many things I need to do and hadn’t done that day – the laundry, the groceries, the dishes, the bills, my daughter’s dentist appointment, her play date, the itch in my back……  “Don’t worry Gayathri” Pat had said sensing me squirm, “Just allow your mind to effortlessly transcend your thoughts.” “With practice, you will experience a deep state of restful consciousness.”  Although I hadn’t believed Pat that first session or in the several sessions that followed, eventually, after weeks of practicing, I was able to tap into the hitherto unexplored tranquility of my mind.  Over the last twenty-three years, the regular practice of Transcendental Meditation has transformed my life. Despite the ups and downs of life, and recurrent bouts of depression, meditation centers and calms me, and fills me with creativity. And,...
The Healing Power of Music

The Healing Power of Music

In April 2010, I was invited to present a Keynote at a mental health advocacy conference in Los Angeles. During lunch break, I had the privilege of meeting Robert Vijay Gupta, a highly acclaimed violinist and member of the LA Philharmonic, and I was deeply inspired by his passionate parallel interests in neurobiology and mental health advocacy. Over the next 30 minutes, as Robert and his ensemble captivated the 300 conference attendees with their divine music, I stood in awe, witnessing the transcendent power of music to unite us as a people, comfort, inspire, and heal our souls. Please watch the videos below, and be inspired by Robert’s testimonial to the healing power of music.   United in Bach’s universe and Beethoven’s soul    Music is Medicine. Music is Sanity   ***BONUS*** Great Read In his New York Times bestselling book -Musicophilia – Dr. Sacks investigates the power of music to move us, to heal and to haunt us. Music can move us to the heights or depths of emotion. It can persuade us to buy something or remind us of our first date. It can lift us out of depression when nothing else can. It can get us dancing to its beat. But the power of music goes much, much further. Indeed, music occupies more areas of our brain than language does-humans are a musical species. Read More…   Wishing you...
The Healing Power of Breath

The Healing Power of Breath

For the last 23 years, I have practiced pranayama every day and it has profoundly transformed my life. Despite recurrent bouts of depression, anxiety and panic attacks over the years, the consistent practice of pranayama has helped me thrive in life. I start each morning with 10 minutes of  pranayama, an ancient form of deep breathing technique that originated in India, my country of birth. Pranayama is derived from two Sanskrit words – Prana (life force) and Ayama (control). Therefore, in its broadest description, prananyama would mean the control of the flow of life force. The yogis believe if you can control your breath, you can control your life. I have certainly found it to be true. While there are many forms of pranayama that are highly effective, I practice nadi sodhana pranayama – a form of alternate nostril breathing which induces calmness and tranquility. Among many other benefits, consistent practice of pranayama provides deep relaxation to the body and mind, strengthens the nervous system and respiratory system, improves concentration, and relieves stress, depression and hypertension. To learn how to perform nadi shodhana pranayama and learn about its many benefits, please click here… To watch a video of how to perform nadi sodhana pranayama and learn its many benefits, please click here…  To explore other forms of pranayama, please click here… I sincerely hope you give pranayama a try, and let me know how it works for you. Thanks! Wishing you...
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