Tags: by Gayathri Ramprasad | Apr 19, 2019 |
Stories connect and comfort us in our shared struggles, help us know that we are not alone, and give us HOPE to cope, survive and thrive. Personal stories have the power to save lives and create social change. On May 29, 2019, in celebration of Mental Health Awareness Month, ASHA International is delighted to present the My Story My SUPERPOWER storytelling show to shine a light on mental health & end stigma one story at a time. A diverse group of storytellers will share their journey of courage, hope and resilience to increase public awareness of mental health as an integral part of overall health and well-being. The event will be held at the Intel Hawthorne Farms Auditorium (HF3), 5200 NE Elam Young Pkwy, Hillsboro, OR 97124, from 7 – 9 PM. Admission is FREE. To RSVP, please email [email protected] Diane Kaufman, M.D. Diane is a child psychiatrist, poet, lyricist, and artist passionate about helping people transform trauma into creative resilience. She is an Arnold P. Gold Foundation “humanism in medicine” awardee. Amongst Diane’s many creative works, her story, “Bird That Wants to Fly,” inspired a children’s opera by Michael Raphael, performed by Trilogy: An Opera Company, and narrated by the actor, Danny Glover. Diane suffered trauma starting at a very young age, and experienced episodes of anxiety, depression, hypomania, mania, and suicidal ideation. She graduated magna cum laude and phi beta kappa from Mount Holyoke College. While attending Downstate Medical Center, Diane attempted suicide and required...
Tags: by Gayathri Ramprasad | Apr 5, 2019 |
Most American teenagers — across demographic groups — see depression and anxiety as major problems among their peers, a new survey by the Pew Research Center found. The survey found that 70 percent of teenagers saw mental health as a big issue. At ASHA International, our youth Storytellers are dedicated to sharing their stories to give hope and let their peers know they are not alone, and encourage them to get the help they need to recover and thrive. Together, we are creating a safe space where students can talk about their struggles and support each other with empathy and compassion. Here is feedback from students about our Let‘s Talk About Mental Health Program at local high schools in February: “Right now, I’m going through something really hard. But the presentations have convinced me that recovery is possible and I can get over it.” “Very inspiring! As a person struggling with anxiety, this program was very uplifting & safe.” “I’ve been struggling with my mental health for years and never asked for help and like the storyteller said – she tried to commit suicide and nobody knew – that’s what happened to me. The storytellers made me realize in order to feel better, I must seek help.” “Some of my friends are dealing with mental illnesses and the presentation gave me a different view on it, and how to help them.” “I went to the same middle school as the Storyteller, and it is comforting to know that there are people at my school who can help me with my problems.” “The personal stories were very...
Tags: by Gayathri Ramprasad | Nov 3, 2018 |
According to the report Count Her In published by the Women’s Foundation of Oregon, nearly half of Oregon’s women and girls have experienced childhood trauma such as abuse or neglect. And, Oregon women have the highest incidence of reported depression in the country. On September 28th, we hosted our first annual Grit & Grace: Multicultural Women’s Mental Health Conference a 1-day innovative program to inspire, educate and empower women to take charge of their mental health and cultivate resilience and well-being. Featured speakers included U.S. Olympians Suzy Hamilton and Chamique Holdsclaw, performance artist Kristina Wong, visual artist & peer wellness leader Meghan Caughey, award-winning advocates and authors Dior Vargas and Gayathri Ramprasad, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion leader Sandra Wilborn, and healthcare professionals Dr. Nicole Cirino, Mari Alexander and Pari Mazhar, and yoga teacher Diana Hulet. To learn more about the conference and speakers, please click here… 275 women and a few brave men, including family members and healthcare professionals joined us in a day filled with love, hope and inspiration. Here’s feedback from our participants: “Life changing conference both personally and professionally!” “It was deeply nourishing to be enriched by this diverse, inspiring circle of women sharing their truth. The Grit & Grace Conference was the best conference I have ever attended.” “I just wanted to tell you what an amazing experience the conference was. Last week was a really hard week for me and countless other women emotionally due to what’s going on in our nation right now. The Grit & Grace conference was just what I needed to feel empowered and hopeful again. Thank you so much for the amazing...
Tags: by Gayathri Ramprasad | Mar 12, 2018 |
On March 1st, the Women of Nike invited me to present an overview of ASHA International and our work at an event scheduled to celebrate Women’s History Month. And, I was absolutely surprised when they presented a check donating $10,000 to support our efforts to destigmatize mental illness and promote mental health and wellness in schools, at workplaces and in the community! All of us at ASHA international are deeply grateful to Nike’s Global Commu nity Impact team for their valuable support!!! WOW! Thank you Nike!!! Together, we can end the stigma surrounding mental health conditions, and create communities of empathy, support and inclusion where all of us can realize our fullest...
Tags: by Gayathri Ramprasad | Jul 8, 2017 |
As former Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi said, “Life is a continuous process of adjustment. “When my father suddenly passed away nearly twenty years ago, I never thought my privileged happy go lucky life would crash. Gradually, within two years, my mother’s mental state started to decline with clouded decision making, irritability, and her million-dollar-watt smile faded and eventually became non-existent. Hindu Priests manipulated the fact we are Brahmins, and created a paranoia in her delicate mind because they reassured her we did not perform my father’s rituals properly. Their solution was to instill fear at an emotional and financial price. My mom, my best friend, my sister suddenly felt like my enemy because we could not see eye to eye on anything, creating major meltdowns. It was impossible for me to comprehend what was happening. Was she severely depressed, brainwashed or just losing the plot. It was very challenging for me to confide in people because I was ashamed to air our “dirty laundry” in public or even admit my mom possibly had a mental illness. I wanted to cry for help, but people would say my mom is naïve and delicate like a flower. Fast forward nearly two decades, at the age of 69, my mom has been officially diagnosed with dementia, a disease of the mind. Earlier this year, when I interacted with some Aunties and they inquired about my mom, and I told them about her diagnosis they said… she did it to herself. The fact is she did not do it to herself, nor does she deserve to go through this journey alone. Dementia particularly vascular dementia does require a medical diagnosis and sadly...
Tags: by Gayathri Ramprasad | Jul 8, 2017 |
Subrina Singh is a passionate young writer and recently published her love story entitled, “Soniye” in the anthology of Sikh Love Stories, Her Name is Kaur. After completing her degree in Asian and Asian American Studies at Stony Brook University, she is now pursuing her Master’s Degree at Columbia University in South Asian Studies. More recently, she has become committed to using her experience with mental illness to help better the mental-health awareness within the South Asian community. She currently writes for BrownGirlMagazine.com & ZeeTV’s India.com. ASHA International salutes Subrina’s courage in sharing her...