ASHA Storytellers

Hanna Kane
Investing in youth mental health.
Picture yourself when you were in high school – everyone’s experience was so different, complex and exciting. Now picture that while living with severe situational anxiety, and that’s what Hanna Kane has gone through. After the death of her grandmother and loss of a close friend within a week of each other, Hanna learned how to live with the rollercoaster that is anxiety. She was fortunate enough to have a support group in place, and get the help she needed, and now speaks up in advocacy for those who haven’t been so lucky.
By speaking, Hanna hopes to educate people and begin change for her peer group and future generations. Mental illness disproportionately affects teenagers and young adults, and they also are painfully under-diagnosed, under-served, under listened to. Hanna hopes to end that, and be part of the change for herself, her friends, and her generation.